Manlab Makes Things Fall


JULY 2008
MAY 2008
APRIL 2008


Dan Choy
2071 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 0K9
204 985 4180 ext. 225

How to create a "Great Studio"?

How do you create an environment that fosters creativity and innovation? How do you teach design to those who never had any formal design training? In our line of work, every project is unique. We usually have to build something new; try something we haven't done before. How do you embark on these new frontiers and keep the projects from spiraling out of control? How do I motivate people to do their best? I do I get everyone to rinse their dishes before stacking in the dishwasher? The design process that I have refined over these years is the same process that I apply to every project that I tackle. Whether I'm making a tree house for my kids, a table for my living room, or a web site, the process is always the same: analyze, research, design, create prototypes, produce final design, test and refine. This process ensures the finished product is the best solution for the given problem. It's worked for me. So how do I teach this to our studio? I was looking for a while for a studio project to use as a training exercise to illustrate this approach. When I saw the Red Bull Flugtag commercial tonight, it was clear that this was perfect. Now, who do we launch off a dock?